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【发布时间:2023-11-09 19:50:05     文章作者:     点击量: 次】

林葳,博士,讲师。主要从事风景园林规划设计教学与实践,研究方向风景园林与人体健康、景观感知、森林康养。主持校科研发展基金项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金等项目3项;在Landscape and urban planningSustainable Cities and SocietyUrban Forestry & Urban Greening权威刊物发表论文20篇。

1. 承担的主要教学工作


2. 承担的主要科研项目





3. 主要学术成果


1Tianyi Yao, Wei Lin*, Zhiyi Bao, Chengcheng Zeng. Natural or balanced? The physiological and psychological benefits of window views with different proportions of sky, green space, and buildings. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2024, 104: 105293. (SCI收录, IF2023=11.7, JCR Q1, 中科院1TOP期刊)

2Wei Lin#, Tianyi Yao#, Chengcheng Zeng*. Emotional responses evoked by tree canopy landscape elements: A study based on two evaluation approaches. Journal of Forestry Research, 2024. (SCI收录, IF2023=3.0, JCR Q1, 中科院2区期刊)

3Chengcheng Zeng, Wei Lin*, Qibing Chen*. Psychophysiological responses of college students to audio-visual forest trail landscapes. Journal of Urban Health, 2023, 100: 711-724. (SCI收录, IF2023=6.6, JCR Q1, 中科院2区期刊)

4Wei Lin, Chengcheng Zeng*, Zhiyi Bao, Hexian Jin. The therapeutic look up: Stress reduction and attention restoration vary according to the sky-leaf-trunk (SLT) ratio in canopy landscapes. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2023, 234: 104730. (SCI/SSCI收录, IF2023= 9.1, JCR Q1, 中科院1TOP期刊)

5Wei Lin#, Chengcheng Zeng#, Wenbin Nie, Xinge Nan, Shanshan Shen, Yan Shi, Hai Yan, Fan Yang, Renwu Wu, Zhiyi Bao*. Study of the vertical structures, thermal comfort, negative air ions, and human physiological stress of forest walking spaces in summer. Forests, 2022, 13(2): 335. (SCI收录, IF2022=2.9, JCR Q1, 中科院2区期刊)

6Wei Lin#, Chengcheng Zeng#, Nina S.-N. Lam, Zongfang Liu, Jinying Tao, Xiaoxia Zhang, Bingyang Lyu, Nian Li, Di Li, Qibing Chen*. Study of the relationship between the spatial structure and thermal comfort of a pure forest with four distinct seasons at the microscale level. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 2021, 62: 127168. (SCI/SSCI收录, IF2021= 4.537, JCR Q1, 中科院2TOP期刊)

7Chengcheng Zeng#, Wei Lin#, Nian Li, Ya Wen, Yanxin Wang, Wenyuan Jiang, Jialing Zhang, Haolin Zhong, Xin Chen, Wenhao Luo, Qibing Chen*. Electroencephalography (EEG)-Based Neural Emotional Response to the Vegetation Density and Integrated Sound Environment in a Green Space. Forests, 2021, 12, 1380. (SCI收录, IF2021=3.282, JCR Q1, 中科院3区期刊)

8Wei Lin, Qibing Chen*, Xiaoxia Zhang, Jinying Tao, Zongfang Liu, Bingyang Lyu , Nian Li, Di Li, Chengcheng Zeng. Effects of Different Bamboo Forest Spaces on Psychophysiological Stress and Spatial Scale Evaluation. Forests, 2020, 11, 616. (SCI收录, IF2020=2.633, JCR Q1, 中科院3区期刊)

9Wei Lin, Qibing Chen*, Mingyan Jiang, Jinying Tao, Zongfang Liu, Xiaoxia Zhang, Linjia Wu, Shan Xu, Yushan Kang, Qiuyuan Zeng. Sitting or walking? Analyzing the neural emotional indicators of urban green space behavior with mobile EEG. Journal of Urban Health, 2020, 97: 191-203. (SCI收录, IF2020= 3.671, JCR Q1, 中科院3区期刊)

10Wei Lin, Qibing Chen*, Mingyan Jiang, Xiaoxia Zhang, Zongfang Liu, Jinying Tao, Linjia Wu, Shan Xu, Yushan Kang, Qiuyuan Zeng. The effect of green space behaviour and per capita area in small urban green spaces on psychophysiological responses. Landscape and Urban Planning, 2019, 192: 103637. (SCI/SSCI收录, IF2019= 5.441, JCR Q1, 中科院1TOP期刊)

11林葳, 朱芷贤, 陈其兵*. 竹林复合经营研究现状与发展建议. 世界竹藤通讯, 2018, (01): 21-25. (中文核心遴选)

12林葳, 喻来, 陈舒静, 廖晨阳, 罗言云*. 基于SBE法的成都市人工湿地公园植物景观评价. 四川大学学报(自然科学版), 2015(52):702. (CSCD收录)

13林葳, 喻来, 陈舒静, 罗言云*. 城市生态滨江绿地定量评价与对策研究.生态经济(学术版), 2014, 30(01):345-348. (CSSCI收录)

14林葳. 峨眉山寺庙园林的保护与发展. 中国园艺文摘, 2010, 26(11):76-78.


1Wei Lin. Study of the relationship between the spatial structure and thermal comfort of a pure forest with four distinct seasons at the microscale level. International Young Scientist Forum for Climate Change: Bamboo-based Solutions. Online. 2023. (获二等奖)

2林葳. 基于文旅融合的森林园林康养研究与实践. 2023年浙江省康复医学会自然环境与康养委员会首届学术研讨会:圆桌会议. 武艺唐风温泉酒店. 2023.

3林葳. 疗愈的仰望——基于SLT ratio的冠层景观压力降低和注意力恢复研究. 第八届中国林业学术大会:城市森林分会场. 东北林业大学. 2023.

4林葳. 行为、视角、空间——景观感知中的健康效益探索. 第七届生态文明与国家公园体制建设学术研讨会系列活动之一:国家公园、景观游憩与健康中国. 同济大学建筑与城市规划学院. 2023.

5林葳. 从竹林康养到健康人居空间. 浙江农林大学园林学院第69期“前景Prospect”学术沙龙. 2023.

6林葳, 曾程程, 包志毅, 陈其兵. 基于康养效益的植物景观空间结构体系构建研究——以竹林康养空间为例//中国风景园林学会. 中国风景园林学会2022年会论文集. 中国建筑工业出版社, 2023:31-38.

7林葳. 微观尺度下竹林景观空间结构与人体健康效益研究//中国风景园林学会园林康养与园艺疗法专业委员会. 2022中国园林康养与园艺疗法第六期线上公益讲座——园林康养与园艺疗法长三角论坛. 2022.


1Wenbin Nie, Bin Xu, Fan Yang, Yan Shi, Bintao Liu, Renwu Wu, Wei Lin, Hui Pei and Zhiyi Bao. Simulating future land use by coupling ecological security patterns and multiple scenarios. Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 859: 160262.

2Di Li, Yuwei Tao, Sijia Mou, Bingyang Lyu, Nian Li, Xiaoxia Zhang, Wei Lin, Chengcheng Zeng, Li Guo and Qibing Chen*. Investigating planting concrete suitability by evaluating the physiological indexes of three ground cover plants. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12(2).

3Wenbin Nie, Bin Xu, Shuai Ma, Fan Yang, Yan Shi, Bintao Liu, Nayi Hao, Renwu Wu, Wei Lin, and Zhiyi Bao. Coupling an Ecological Network with Multi-Scenario Land Use Simulation: An Ecological Spatial Constraint Approach. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 6099.

4Wenbin Nie, Fan Yang, Bin Xu, Zhiyi Bao, Yan Shi, Bintao Liu, Renwu Wu, Wei Lin. Spatiotemporal Evolution of Landscape Patterns and Their Driving Forces Under Optimal Granularity and the Extent at the County and the Environmental Functional Regional Scales. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 10: 954232.

5Chengcheng Zeng, Bingyang Lyu, Songyuan Deng, Yan Yu, Nian Li, Wei Lin, Di Li, Qibing Chen*. Benefits of a Three-Day Bamboo Forest Therapy Session on the Physiological Responses of University Students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2020, 17, 3238.

6Yuqian Wang, Mingyan Jiang, Yinshu Huang, Zhiyi Sheng, Xiao Huang, Wei Lin, Qibing Chen*, Xi Li, Zhenghua Luo, Bingyang Lyu. Physiological and Psychological Effects of Watching Videos of Different Durations Showing Urban Bamboo Forests with Varied Structures. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2020, 17, 3434.

7Bingyang Lyu, Chengcheng Zeng, Shouhong Xie, Di Li , Wei Lin, Nian Li, Mingyan Jiang, Shiliang Liu, Qibing Chen*. Benefits of A Three-Day Bamboo Forest Therapy Session on the Psychophysiology and Immune System Responses of Male College Students. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 2019, 16, 4991.

8喻来, 陈舒静, 林葳, 罗言云. 成都白鹭湾生态湿地公园水生植物应用研究. 四川大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 53(01):221-227.

9陈舒静, 林葳, 何潇, 廖晨阳, 罗言云. 基于AHP的嘉陵江阆中东南段湿地植物选择研究. 四川大学学报(自然科学版), 2015, 52(06):1370-1374.

4. 教学成果/教学指导











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